Archipelago – Discovery stops | Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville


Within the framework of a two-stage call for tenders, La bande à Paul was asked to imagine (in collaboration with Collectif Escargo) various point of interest stops in the Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville. Three key words inspired the design of these stops: multitude, movement and energy. These concepts made it possible to unify the various interventions conceptually and formally. 

All points of interest are first presented to visitors on an interactive wall in the welcome pavilion. In this way, the curiosity of visitors is piqued by a large-format video presentation. 

Subsequently, visitors will move on to a “low tech/no cell” experience, which leads to relaxation, contemplation and learning in a fun way. Eight different stops were built, ranging from the reinterpretation of a wreck or an amusement park to the creation of an unstructured raft. 

*2nd place winner


Vimy | Beyond the battle

